We will be hosting the Annual Awards Night at Journey this year! It will be a Happy Hour format and the theme is “James Bond–Casino Royale” in celebration of Bond’s 60th anniversary and the DCA’s Lucky 13th anniversary! Come in your best Bond style!  There will be prizes for BEST BOND-INSPIRED ATTIRE!

Monday, November 14th
Journey Church, 304 NE 4th

The evening will include:

–Awards for Downtown Businesses  (nominate deserving businesses here by November 1st!)
–Door Prizes, games, plus prizes for BEST BOND FASHION
–Appetizers, treats, wine and beer
–2022 Recognitions & Accomplishments & Plans for the Future
–A Chance to Cheer our Downtown Success Together!

PLEASE RSVP HERE by November 7th!


This is a fun, free event for our DCA members which will include appetizers, wine, beer, treats and prizes! A way for the DCA to say thank you for all you do!

Make sure to nominate the businesses and people that have made a difference in 2022 in Downtown Camas (categories and online form here) by Tuesday, November 1st!  You can also print a form here–please email to info@downtowncamas.com or mail to PO Box 1034, Camas. Thank you!

Thank you to Journey for helping us host this event and to our downtown restaurants for working with us on the appetizers, beer and wine!
You won’t want to miss it!