DCA Activities
Our Story
The Downtown Camas Association (DCA) started in 2009 to bolster a struggling historic downtown in need of help. Once a thriving district in a bustling mill town, the downtown had lost energy and customers with reduced mill employment and businesses moving to the mall. Revitalization was sorely needed in the heart of Camas! The DCA has worked to infuse life and economic viability into Downtown Camas and in 2015 became an accredited WA State Main Street Program and a nationally accredited program in 2017. The DCA works year round to help our downtown and community thrive! We went from a town with 60% vacancy to one with 1% vacancy rate but there is more work to be done!

We believe our downtown is for EVERYONE! We want all to feel welcomed and included. We invite you to join us and bring your passion and assets to our downtown efforts. We are better when we work together!
The Downtown Camas Association follows the Main Street Four Point Approach with the following committees:
Promotion, Design, Outreach, and Economic Vitality