About the DCA


The Downtown Camas Association (DCA) is a 501(C)3 non-profit organization founded in 2009 which helps Downtown Camas to thrive! The DCA works year round to strengthen and promote Downtown Camas through partnerships, events, beautification and historic preservation projects, public art engagement, economic development, advocacy, and tourism functions. The DCA is an active member of the Washington State Main Street Program which guides our program goals based on the Four Point Approach for a vital Downtown Core.

We are excited about what is happening in Downtown Camas and appreciate how our community has come together for downtown revitalization efforts. For specific DCA Activities, please visit here.

To see what we have been working on, click on the year for a list of DCA Impacts & Accomplishments: 2024 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 and here for a 2014 list.

Interested in being on our Board of Directors? You can find an online application here.

For more information about the DCA, please call 360-904-0218 or email director@downtowncamas.com. We’d love to talk with you!

Downtown Camas Association

More About DCA

The DCA has been a proud Main Street America™ Accredited program since 2017.

Main Street America™ has been helping revitalize older and historic commercial districts for more than 35 years. Today it is a network of more than 1,600 neighborhoods and communities, rural and urban, who share both a commitment to place and to building stronger communities through preservation-based economic development. Main Street America is a program of the nonprofit National Main Street Center, a subsidiary of the National Trust for Historic Preservation.

All Main Street America™ Accredited programs meet a set of National Accreditation Standards of Performance as outlined by the National Main Street Center.

Foundational to the organizational structure of the DCA are four committees in which projects are planned, goals set, and results are seen. This important work all leads to the strength and vibrancy in Downtown Camas!

The DCA has an Executive Director, a Marketing & Volunteer Coordinator, an Events & Programs Manager an active and dedicated volunteer board, and many outstanding volunteers that all work together to advance the DCA’s mission and initiatives. You can learn about the current DCA projects on the Get Involved webpage.


The goals, plans, and activities of the DCA are done by a collaboration of the board, staff, committees, the City of Camas, and other stakeholders to get wide perspective on the best actions and practices for our organization and our downtown. Being involved matters at the DCA! You can really make a difference.

A highly dedicated board of directors, staff, and many, many volunteers who are Camas-Washougal residents, Downtown business owners, and city personnel.

1.  B&O Tax Donors, who can be either small businesses or large corporations, make financial contributions for which they receive a 75% B&O state tax credit. Your tax dollars being directed straight to your community.

2.  Donors, citizens or businesses who enjoy our downtown and understand the importance of community investment, donate to our organization to support the annual flower basket program, art projects, First Fridays and other initiatives. The DCA is a 501c3 nonprofit so donations are tax deductible.

3.  Members of the DCA are individuals, non-profits, downtown business owners, property owners and corporations. Our members understand the importance of being involved and the power of us all working together. There are designated levels of membership.

4. Event Sponsors make a financial contribution to sponsor one or more of the many themed events that are put on throughout the year. Sponsoring an event or project is a way for businesses to show their support for community, have an impact on how our town grows, and receive valuable marketing exposure.

5.  City of Camas provides contract funding to help promotion and infrastructure initiatives that bring local and regional visitors downtown and create an attractive, healthy, and safe physical environment. Our fine City personnel help with safe street closures for our community events and are always available to collaborate on best practices for downtown activities. Our City understands the value of investing in an historic downtown district and the positive effects it has on the entire community.

Everyone! Residents of Camas, neighbors of Camas, business owners, property owners, investors, and government all benefit from a thriving healthy downtown core. Investing in local economy creates jobs, increased commerce, new businesses and residents, increased visitors, and a space that allows people and families to come together in a healthy, safe, and engaging environment.

Camas and neighboring residents benefit by experiencing a sense of community pride while finding the options for shopping, entertainment, and services they are wanting in their town.

Downtown business owners benefit from increased shoppers and patrons of downtown, increased and shared marketing options, educational opportunities for strong business practices, and advocacy at City, County, and State levels. Overall a more solid infrastructure in which to thrive.

Property owners benefit from the increase in property values as the economic vitality increases.

City Government benefits by having a dedicated interest group to manage the concerns of the downtown area, saving tax payer dollars, increasing the tax base coming from downtown sales, and improving the livability of the area.

We hope that you enjoy Downtown Camas and that you will find a compelling reason to participate in its future development!

Check out these links to further investigate your options for participation and thank you for your interest and support!

Get Involved or Options for Giving