DCA Facade Improvement Grant Program
Facade Improvement Grant Program
The Downtown Camas Association Façade Improvement Grant Program helps to improve the appearance and functionality of the entrance of businesses or the front of buildings, making a measurable difference in the economic vitality of the businesses and our entire historic district. We are excited to be able to help assist small businesses and property owners in these improvements. Taking proper care of our historic buildings and enhancing the charm and welcoming feel of our district is a long term strategy for our downtown.

Here’s how it works
This is a 50% matching grant reimbursement program up to $5000 total grant funds per project. If a project is approved for a grant, the grant dollars will be distributed to the applicant once the project is completed. It must be completed as described in the application and grant agreement.
The project must be completed within 120 days of acceptance of grant unless a time extension is approved. Only new projects are eligible for funding, projects cannot already be underway at the time the application is submitted.
The grant program application period opens April 1st and the deadline to submit is May 31st. Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by June 15th. Application deadline may be extended if further funds are available.
Eligible façade expenses may include, but not limited to
- Design
- Exterior painting
- Exterior brick maintenance
- Restoration of historic building features
- Lighting
- Signage
- Purchase of new (or replacement of older) awnings
- All must be exterior improvements and visible from the right-of-way
All of the guidelines, grant eligibility criteria, application requirements and the application can be found here in the Downtown Camas Façade Improvement Grant Program Guidelines packet.
Please consider applying if you have a project that will improve your building’s façade and help continue to add to the quality experience of our downtown!