In a world of chaos and crisis, many are looking for a little peace of mind. Lee Huntington, in downtown Camas, is bringing wellness to community members through Peace Yourself Together LLC, a center with therapies that can help and support those looking for an improved quality of life.
So how did she come to wellness therapy? Lee was chronically ill for many years, she said, and dealt with environmental toxins in her home. “When I found healing through non-invasive, alternative therapies, I wanted to share those options with others who face chronic pain and illness. There are easy and affordable things we can do to improve our quality of life and I want to share what I’ve learned and continue to learn with others.”
She lives near downtown Camas with her two sons, who attend Camas schools. She had been commuting to downtown Vancouver for several years, and wanted to build her client base in Camas so she could stay close to home and her children’s schools during the day. “I’ve always loved the downtown Camas community,” she said. She started her wellness work in downtown Camas in early 2017, celebrating her grand opening during the March “First Friday” event, a “Go Green” theme to boot.
A military veteran herself, Lee said “I love to serve active duty military and veterans. I love to serve all those who need help. You know, most people, they feel pretty good … until they don’t. Then it feels urgent to fix the health issue that has arisen. It’s a challenge to engage people to spend time and money on themselves before they’re really struggling with their health. I want to empower people to take responsibility for their own health and wellness. There is opportunity at every age and health status, from healthy and well, to sick and failing, to take steps toward a healthier mind and body. I want to encourage people when they’re starting to lose hope that there are more options and that they can experience healing.”
At Peace Yourself Together, Lee shares space with other wellness practitioners, creating a non-competitive environment where they encourage each other, share ideas, and often share clients. There’s Bryna Sampey, a lactation consultant and doula. Tim Lightfoot does bioenergetic screening. And Dr. Savannah Martinez is a chiropractor.
And equally important to the wellness center, Lee said her family is her utmost priority. “When I first opened my business, I closed every day from 3:15 to 4:30 p.m. so I could pick up my kids from school and drop them off at activities. As my boys have gotten older and can drive themselves, I have more uninterrupted time to work. One of the things I love about being a business owner is that I can design my schedule around my family’s needs.
In downtown Camas, Lee said she “takes every opportunity I can to participate in community events where I can meet more people and tell them about my services and those of my officemates. I have participated in First Fridays, when they were in person, the Papermill Annual Health and Wellness Fair, open houses at local gyms and other events as well as advertising in the Camas High School Sports programs. I think time is a factor as well. Just being here, seeing clients and talking with people builds momentum over the years. Word of mouth is the best way for us to meet new community members.”
Lee builds a rapport with her clients by listening. “People are usually coming in because they are having a health challenge. I listen carefully because oftentimes, there is valuable information in the story of their life leading up to the challenge they are facing now. If the person is open to my ideas, I provide them with ideas and resources to look into that, based on my experience, may be helpful for them. I collaborate with my clients. We work together, oftentimes along with their healthcare professional. They might use the hyperbaric oxygen chamber, infrared light therapy or mind-body energy balancing … those are some of the services I can provide for them.”
Currently, Lee has found her favorite service to be the Mind Body Energy Balancing. “It is a way to reveal the story that the body is holding that may be from past memories or injuries, belief systems that developed in childhood that have become limiting, or a life direction that isn’t healthy,” she explained. “My sessions use energetic techniques to reorganize these perceived blocks and allow the person to feel more at peace and authentic in their life. The shifts in consciousness that can occur during a session can result in more clarity and a more comfortable sense of well-being.”
And Lee said she is excited about new therapies that are coming to the forefront, such as Avacen Treatments. “It uses an innovative non-invasive method to heat the blood by one degree resulting in improved circulation in the capillaries of the body which delivers more oxygen and nutrients to tissues in the body. This 15-minute therapy has been shown to reduce pain with published studies on decreasing pain for people with fibromyalgia, decrease in pain associated with plantar fascia strain and demonstrated benefits for those with Autism Spectrum Disorder.”
An interesting fact, Lee said, that goes along with talk of the body’s circulation system: “According to information published by the Franklin Institute, it’s estimated that if you were to line up all the blood vessels in the human body from end to end, they would circle the Earth four times!”
Regular therapies always offered at Peace Yourself Together include:
* Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy – This therapy pushes more oxygen into the body, which decreases inflammation, releases stem cells from the bone marrow into the blood, increases glutathione production and increases mitochondrial activity
*Energy Balancing Sessions
*Red and Infrared Light Therapy
*BioMat – Far Infrared Therapy
*Vitamin D Light Therapy
*Essential Oils
Curious? Call Lee today to schedule your trip to health and wellness. 360-834-0589