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For a printable First Friday passport, click here!

Explore the amazing history of Camas while celebrating Spring! April 7th, 5-8pm. Take part in a historic walking tour, a Grand Opening Celebration, art shows, a photo contest, history info activities, after-hours shopping, dining, games, prizes, and more! Oh the fun! Please Note! We will be switching our main event hub location for the evening to the beautiful Fuel Medical Building, 314 NE Birch (Journey has other activities in their location for Good Friday)

New this year! History in the Making through Photography:

Capture Camas history! Share your modern photos and help others see your town in a whole new light! We are excited to share the 1st Annual black and white photography contest for April’s “Spring into History” First Friday! The “Capture Camas History Contest” is seeking black and white photography submissions of all things Downtown Camas! Think architecture, art, friends, family, food, fun, and more! History happens now, and we want to see your moments of history in the making!

Submit your pictures by emailing high resolution JPEG images along with your name, age, and connection to Camas to promotions@downtowncamas.com. All submissions will be subject to future promotional use by the Downtown Camas Association. Feel free to email with any questions. Submissions will be accepted through 3/31/23.We encourage you to share your images on social media with the hashtag #capturecamashistory! 3 winners will be selected from each category (12 and under, 13-18, 18+), and will be displayed on April First Friday. Attendees will vote for a People’s Choice winner, who will receive a Downtown Camas Gift Basket, generously donated by local merchants. Images collected throughout the next 10 years of contests will be compiled into a fine art album, planned for 2033!


Other Fun First Friday Activities!

  • Take part in the  “Guess About Camas” passport history game around town, this time with a Camas Library focus as it’s their centennial year! Be entered to win great prizes!
  • See the Downtown Camas Walking Map display! There will be more than 10 years on display. Do you remember all of the stores that used to be in downtown? There will be many more history displays in Fuel.
  • Do the History “Game Course” and earn tickets to win! GP Toilet Paper Toss, Camas Cornhole, Camas History Plinko and the Camas Prune Drop. Play the “game course” and be entered to win a GP paper prize package! Woohoo!!!
  • Ribbon Cutting & Grand Opening Celebration for The Pink Room Boutique, 5pm – 233 NE 6th Ave.
  • “Tea with Virginia” at Caffe Piccolo from 4-5pm: Listen to enchanting Camas history stories with Virginia Warren, our city’s historian and enjoy complimentary tea.
  • Take a Historic Walking Tour at 6pm with the Clark County Historical Museum Director, Brad Richardson! Learn all about downtown–Brad makes it especially interesting and fun! Meet in Fuel Medical lobby to start.
  • Peruse the Camas history displays in the Fuel Lobby and learn why Camas is such an exceptional town.
  • Fun Golden Egg activities and surprises!
  • Make paper at the GP Mill Interpretive Lobby! 401 NE Adams. Come down and try it out.
  • As an additional nod to our paper history, local artists will be creating beautiful Paper Dresses & Outfits!
  • Art Receptions with wine, live music and meeting the artists at
  • Kids Crafts and TP Pong at LiveWell Camas with the Girl Scouts and a fun STEM activity at Fuel with Camp Windy Hill making straw rockets and talking about Michael Barratt, an astronaut from Camas!
  • Plus all the after-hours shopping and dining all through town! Come see what’s new for Spring!

Start your evening by picking up the First Friday Passport at the DCA Table at Fuel Medical (314 NE Birch). Come celebrate our amazing Camas history and spring in Downtown Camas!


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