Virtual Scavenger Hunt – Unicorns & Rainbows
Sunday, May 31st – First Friday, June 5th
Can you find it, everything unicorn and rainbows? Join in the Virtual First Friday Facebook event! Enjoy a week-long event including fun for all, wonderfully epic themed prize baskets, gift cards giveaways and merchant discounts or promo codes for shopping!!
Participate all week long!
Each day (May 31-June 5) on the Downtown Camas First Friday Facebook page we will announce the challenge/activity for the day for you to post on! There will be $25 downtown merchant gift card winners chosen from the posts each day. Here’s a list of the activities:
- Sunday – Unicorn and Rainbow Crossword puzzle/Word Search
- Monday – Unicorn Seek and Find
- Tuesday – Pick a Unicorn from the posted picture and then post a picture of something magical – what will it be?
- Wednesday – Create a rainbow from scavenged items in your
house and post the picture! How fun – get creative!
- Thursday – Can you find it? Find the themed items drawn in the picture. (Just like Where’s Waldo but Unicorn and Rainbow themed :) ). Thank you to local artist Jake Schulstad for providing the cool art!
- Friday – Scavenger Hunt Passport – Visit participating merchant websites to “hunt” for answers to the passport questions! And BONUS, you will find a discount or promo code for shopping at that business!
- You have until 3pm on Friday to complete passport!
- Print the passport HERE! (this one has all the merchant website links :)) or from the First Friday Facebook page (or you can use a piece of paper if you don’t have a printer! :)).
- Go to the website of each of the participating merchants on the passport list and “hunt” for the answer to the question on the passport. The more places you go, the more chances you have to win! Have fun!
- Once you’ve completed your passport, snap a picture of it and add it to the post.
- We will have 2 winners of downtown gift cards randomly chosen from the posted passports and also a Unicorn & Rainbow gift basket!
Live Facebook tours of Attic Gallery and Camas Gallery!
The more you participate during the week, the more chances you have to win!
Join us for a LIVE Facebook Event – Friday, June 5th at 5pm where the winners will be announced! Don’t forget, you can also win prizes for watching (Watch & Win prizes)!
Two lucky winners will also be drawn from all of the entries of the First Friday activities to each win a Unicorn and Rainbow themed basket filled with $50 in gift cards to Downtown Camas shops and restaurants and other prizes. The Downtown Camas Association and Bear Insurance (thank you!) are donating all the gift card prizes to support downtown businesses during this time. Join us!