The Port brings jobs and recreational opportunities through a 400-acre industrial park, a 79-hangar general aviation airport and 350-slip pleasure boat marina. Grove Field is a small, general aviation airport with a state-of-the-art fueling station and 14 tie-downs in addition to the 79 hangars. The marina is the largest publicly owned marina on the Washington side of the Columbia River and has a floating restaurant, launch ramp, nearby hotel, fueling station, electricity on the breakwater/guest dock, and is homeport to the Dolphin Yacht Club. Newly acquired and in the planning stages, are 13.25 acres of Waterfront Property connecting a 14-acre parcel of port-owned land to the east of the marina. The industrial park boasts a 90+ percent occupancy rate of more than 40 businesses with an annual payroll of $8.9 million and is adjacent to Steigerwald Commerce Center, 120+ acres of property currently under development. The Port also manages Captain William Clark Park at Cottonwood Beach, the adjacent protective levee and Parkersville National Historic site.